17 Responses to “Princess Nellie doesn’t want you to leave”

  1. Pamela

    Can you tell me what kind of dog this is? I have a female that looks just like her. From what I can tell, mine is a Border Collie mix.

    • Andi O'Conor

      She is some kind of Spaniel mix, maybe Cocker and Cavalier? I call her a Very Rare Mexican Spaniel – the only one in the US 🙂

    • Andi O'Conor

      We did a doggie DNA test that said she was Cocker Spaniel and German Shorthair Pointer. She weighs all of 15 pounds, so German Shorthair – say what?? She does have a big attitude though…:-)

  2. jennifer

    Pamela,from what I can see in the pic, gotta be cocker spaniel in there some how, look at the ears!

  3. Pamela

    @Amy and Jennifer – yes her ears are longer. My Ellie was rescued out of Hurricane Katrina. I’ve looked everywhere to see what she is.

  4. Bridget

    Had a cocker spaniel mix that could have been a twin of that gorgeous little girl. (Mother was a cocker, father was an anonymous handsome stranger.

  5. DogMom

    Pamela – there are “doggie DNA” kits now. Most vets have them. They take a sample of blood, send it to a lab, and the results are supposed to tell you what percentage of which breeds make up the dog. HOWEVER, I don’t know anyone who’s tried it, so I don’t know how accurate they are. Anyone know?

  6. Pamela

    @April – went to Heritage Canine DNA and results came back inconclusive. $125. Not happy with them. My Ellie had brothers and sisters but we never found them. 🙁

  7. Tiffany

    I got a Heritage test done on my mutt. He looks just like Princess Nellie, but with slightly shorter ears and he came back as 25% Miniature Poodle, 25% Cocker Spaniel and 50% Havanese.

  8. Andrea

    Pamela, blessings to you for rescuing a dog! I have mixed breed dogs also. I tell people they are 100% pure mutt, and I love them!!!

  9. Sandy

    Pretty girl. Looks exactly like a cocker mix I had for 14 years (3/4 cocker and 1/4 sheltie). Loved the ears. She used to climb into my suitcase while packing. Picture makes me miss her all over again, though I now have GSP’s.


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