I was going to my moms’ house when I noticed this dog running around without any human supervision. After I caught him I was able to call the number on his tag. As it turns up, he ran away from his foster family (for the second time). While we waited for the family to come pick him up, he ate all of our dog’s food and pooped all over the house. Then he was so exhausted, he just lay down and took a nap.
Aww, poor sweet little dude! He’s very cute, pooping aside.
Aw, he looks like he is still a puppy. He was probably scared to be in a new place and when he finally got comfortable, well he made it his own.
Sassy's Mom
Thank you for picking him up and taking the time to find his owner. Bless his heart, that “new” food got the best of him.
Thank you for taking him in… You are a wonderful person.
Sarah Bear
Thank you for doing that! I agree he looks quite young and was probably just scared and/or overwhelmed. He sure is cute!!!
Thanks for helping him! It must have been a huge mess…. but the story brought a smile to my face. 🙂
I find that when my puppies are hungry and need to poo they act up. Then they eat and poo and then sleep! 😉
He looks JUST like my 14 month old Lucy! I am interested in adopting the little guy! Can anyone put me in touch with his foster family?! Where is he located? Thanks!
Awww… the poor baby, he must be one of the last puppies to be born because mines use to that too expect run out to the street… And she was one of the last puppies to be born, it took nearly a month to finally break that bad habit. And I have to say, thank you so much for taking in the cutie… You have no idea how many times I wish I could do something like this for a dog…
thank you for taking him in. i am sure he did appreciate the attention. what a sweet boy
Not unpunished, what you did is forever a good deed. Hope the little guy finds a forever home.
Sydney Brooks
You should keep him.
adorable. what a sweet little guy beside the pooping.
German Chocolate Betty
Poor little guy. Panic pooping most likely. Just a baby — worn out and lights out!!
You have a good heart. Thank you for taking the time to call his owner. Most people look the other way.
Thank you for ensuring this baby’s safety! You just made my day!!