Pippy is a really great dog, but sometimes she just has to learn things the hard way. I have many bird feeders and she is always being told NO when wanting to eat the birdseed. Unfortunately she did get into the birdseed and ate quite a bit of it and then came in the house and vomited on the newly scrubbed kitchen floor.
Still love her and I doubt she will eat any more bird seed. LOL
Karin H
My Yorkie Cross also loves birdseed. Grandma was babysitting him one day and she put the birdseed on the floor. He ate the entire container! He didn’t throw up but managed to poop out granola bars for two days!
Aww, poor Pippy doesn’t understand those words… birdseed is a bit too tempting! 🙂
Blackjack Station (@BlackjackStatn)
Rogerdog loves bird and chicken food too. What is it about that? Like granola or something I guess!
Did you name him for the character in Dickens’ GREAT EXPECTATIONS? What a cutie!
Jody Eckler
Oh, don’t bet on her not eating it again! My boy did the same thing. Given a chance, he would still do it again!
awwww what a cutie pie!!