“I destroyed my dad’s favorite CDs.” We came home to find our retired racing greyhound, Zoomer, had found our CD holder and destroyed my husband’s favorites – AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Lynyrd Skynyrd, etc. This was the strangest thing she destroyed to date.
Shanyn Claycomb
Maybe she prefers classical? LOL
I miss my Greyhoung baby…..
But look how sweet she is! We have one almost exactly like her, but it’s a mini–Italian Greyhound. I just can’t be mad at him, he’s such a sweetheart. Also, a rescue and very much loved! The “stuff” can be replaced, but not the dog. We have 2 Italians. Such a sweet breed.
She didn’t mean to destroy the cd’s, she just wanted to listen to the music and didn’t realize that you have to handle the cd’s carefully when inserting them into the cd player.
At least she’s got GOOD TASTE in music! :>