“I can squeeze through the fence so when I go outside I wear a cone of shame”
This is Frasier. He is a super sweet 18lb poodle available for adoption in north metro Atlanta, GA through the Humane League of Lake Lanier. Fraiser is about 2 yr old and is very well behaved except for two things: he will chew on socks and shoes (we’re working on that), and he is a bit of an escape artist. He loves to squeeze through the picket fence and gallivant about the neighborhood chasing squirrels (now I wear a cone of shame so I can’t squeeze between the boards). Other than those quirks he has been a wonderful foster dog. Frasier is very sweet and intelligent and gets along very well with the other dogs in the house. He is reserved and polite but also loves to play. More info about Frasier, click here.
Susan Kirby Thomas
awww so cute! Hope he does not figure out how to go backwards through the fence!
Very cute but that is NOT a poodle – that is a Bichon Frise!
Suzanne Fluhr (Just One Boomer)
He looks just like our dog — a cockapoo.
I said the same thing when I saw the picture!! My three Bichons make that same face when they are acting guilty! What a sweet boy!
I agree. This dog looks so much like our bichon / maltese that I might not know it wasn’t Taylor.
He looks EXACTLY like my Muppet who is a Bichon/Poodle mix. Oh I wish I could bring him home with me.