This will be Dobby’s second time on DogShaming adoptable Fridays.
Dobby is a miniature greyhound/daschund mix from Lubbock, TX. He’s being adopted through the Humane Society of West Texas. This adorable boy looks just like Dobby from Harry Potter when he is sad. We haven’t had a single inquiry on Dobby since he became our foster baby a few months ago. He is unable to go to pet adoption events each week because he gets so freaked out by all the people and noise that he backs into a corner and growls at anyone that comes near. Everyone misses out on his truly charming personality. Once he gets to know someone one on one he is the sweetest lapdog ever. He loves to snuggle under the covers and is a perfect nap buddy. He gets along great with other dogs, and doesn’t seem to mind cats, although he doesn’t currently live with any. His foster mom takes him to work everyday, and he lovers to ride in the car. He has made huge strides with socialization to other people and is doing great on a leash. He still has issues with men he does not know, however, and should not be adopted into a home with children. He can become fear aggressive when cornered. With people he trusts he is incredibly affectionate and a joy to be around. His info can be found here.
Sushma Prabhu
Oh! I wish you could keep him, you understand him so well !!
Love that he actually resemble Dobby! What a cute little guy!
What a sweetie, Italian Greyhound and Dachshund mix. I hope he finds a quiet home with good people soon, I’m betting he continues to improve as he has done in his foster home.
bear's human
Too bad he is way out in Texas! No men, only an older, neutered and
somewhat lonesome male beagle and me at my house.
Sushma Prabhu
Why does he shiver, the poor dear ?
What a sweetie, wish he was in the UK I would adopt him in a heartbeat – he could snuggle up with our labrador and bassett who are both very friendly. Hope he finds a loving home really soon
How Old Is He?! my Parents Will Never G For It, But He’s So Cute I liv In Texas!
Poop, Not On That Side Of Texas
Laura Kraskowsky
So cute! Can you try a Thunder Shirt on him? Money back guarantee if they don’t work but often they really help to settle a dog down using the proven techniques used with humans. It’s such a shame it prevents him from showing his great personality to potential parents!
I’d drive there from my place two states away and get him in a heartbeat but my own rescue *has* to be an only dog otherwise trouble. I really hope someone adopts him. My own fur-baby has fear-aggression problems (hence why she has to be an only dog) so I understand how hard it can be.
Hang in there Dobby!!
Poor little dude! He’s from my hometown and I hope he escapes to somewhere better and finds happiness like I did. Good luck Dobby! <3
another Adorable Friday!
Has sweet Dobby had any inquiries?