Our dog ran off when out walking with me and was gone for almost 24 hours. It was only 8 degrees that night and he is a house dog. A huge search ensued and he was found about 3 miles away. My kids decided on public humiliation as his punishment.
Our dog ran off when out walking with me and was gone for almost 24 hours. It was only 8 degrees that night and he is a house dog. A huge search ensued and he was found about 3 miles away. My kids decided on public humiliation as his punishment.
So damn scary when they run away…..glad you found him safe and sound!!
Derrel Thompson
harsh! but fair bad dog!
so glad you found him!!!
Paula Clautice Perry Wagner
How can you punish that face? Cute!
Shanny Smith
I LOVE the painted nails!! Oh, the shame!
He does look humiliated, but what a gorgeous hunk he is!!
Marion Warr
If he isn’t micro-chipped yet, get it for him. Police and vets/shelters have scanners to find the owner from the chip. Make sure you update your information when you change an address and/or phone number. After the initial cost at the vet ($20) it is like subscribing to a magazine each year. I pay $16 a year and that includes insurance that if they are injured while away from home a vet can treat my dog until I can be reached. Oh, and a pair of glasses would have been a nice touch in the shaming picture.
Oh dear god I wouldve been in bits! Bad dog! Out on the razzle dazzle as you say, but doesnt look a but repentent!
Thank goodness he was found safe and sound.. it can be an absolute nightmare to have your pet run away!
michelle by bell
Glad you found him. I agree about the micro chipping. Both of my recues have chips. BTW…I think Party Boy looks like a cross of Caesar’s two dogs, Daddy and Junior….just saying that’s my take! Handsome!!
Aww…poor boy! Hopefully this will humiliate him enough to not go out and party all night! Love the nail polish 😉
Pucker Up
you went out partying without me?! dude. cold. lol!