Sprout comes to work at the art gallery. He has made it very clear that he prefers to be on top of my hard desk, rather than on the comfy bed underneath the desk. Luckily, visitors to the gallery don’t seem to take TOO much offense.
Sprout comes to work at the art gallery. He has made it very clear that he prefers to be on top of my hard desk, rather than on the comfy bed underneath the desk. Luckily, visitors to the gallery don’t seem to take TOO much offense.
Aww! That sounds like something my little girl would do. She’s very picky about where she sleeps and it usually involves being as close to me as she can get. Thankfully she’s only 5lbs so she fits almost anywhere.
How lucky for your both – that you can share your workday!
OH MY GOODNESS! This is just too cute. What a sweetie. 🙂
My slutburger sleeps that way sometimes too – luckily it’s in my house, though.
I would love to bring my dogs to work, but I have three. How ever would I choose? All would be chaotic!
Why not! Sprout looks to be quite the work of art so of course he belongs on display in the gallery!
Oh sprout!