Our foster dog Snoopy has a thing for feet! He lives in New Lennox, IL and is being fostered through the Midwest Boston Terrier Rescue. He loves to cuddle with your feet and will try to lick anyone’s toes if they aren’t wearing socks. Snoopy is 6 yrs old and was in pretty bad shape when we was rescued. He is blind due to trauma and has also suffered a broken leg and is missing teeth. He was left out in a back yard for months in inclement weather and without medical attention. He has since recovered and looking for a home. He is a very loving dog and despite his ruff life, he is completely trusting of humans, loving and just wants to be near people. If you are interested in Snoopy please check him out here.
Sweetheart! <3 caring now for my 14 year old Boston who has severely diminished hearing and sight due to age. If I thought for a minute that I could safely and comfortably introduce another dog into this single dog household….I'd get my app in order and be headed to IL!
Stacie kyle
Hi can I have some info about Snoopy? Who to contact?