Hi there, avid readers! Adoptable Fridays has been such a success thanks to people like you, who help spread the word of Dog Shaming; it comes in the form of reblogs, retweets, shares on Facebook. It comes from the foster parents and shelter employees who work tirelessly to make sure every pet is taken care of, loved, and adopted.
Well, I’m here to say a big, fat, THANK YOU! Here at Dog Shaming headquarters, our own rescue wiener dogs, Beau & Dasha want to thank for from the bottom of their little furry hearts. And, to thank you, we’re going to offer everyone who adopts an “Adoptable Fridays” dog* a gift card to a pet store in their area.
*with proof of adoption.
That is awesome!
Wonderful! Also, those are some pretty adorable pups!
Thank you for encouraging rescue adoptions! The joy these fur people bring to us is so amazing. As they say, who is rescuing whom?
They are cute Adoptable Friday ambassadors.
Keep up the great (shaming) work 🙂
Awww cutie pies
Beautiful Doxies! My Lil’ Squirt has a few pounds on him…..he slipped a disc and lost his rear end for a while. We calmed him while in bedrest with cheeseburgers. He is perfect and will never make it here on Dog Shaming.
What a great idea! Thanks for helping the doggies! Your pups are totes adorbs 🙂
I shall call him… Mini-Me!
Seeing double! Thanks for the adorable reminders 😉
… that I need to see an eye doctor that is.
So true!! Our Husky was 37lbs when we adopted him. Heart Worms, Lung and Stomach problems. Would walk around with his tail and head down… Now he is a 60lb bundle of fun, loving life and healthy as can be! So sad how someone could abandon such a wonderful life like they did, poor baby didn’t even know the sit command. Now he knows Sit, Lay Down and all the usuals… plus Jump, kiss and round and round (which he loves to run rampant on our bed!). We could have spent $1k plus and not have gotten a better dog than him, now full of confidence, smart and loving – plus a little mischievous at times, hence his name – Loki!
Yes! Yay! My current basset was adopted from the local basset rescue!!
I looked for a way to contact Dog Shaming to acknowledge and THANK YOU (!) for the outstanding idea to do “Adoptable Fridays” when this feature first started but you don’t provide a contact a e-mail ~ ~ I hope this finally reaches you! I love dogs but cats are the better option for my living circumstances and both of mine have been adoptees. Hurray for everyone one can give a dog or cat or bunny or whatever a new forever home!
I love when my favourite people acknowledge rescue animals. Thank you so much for spreading the word – many people simply don’t know or understand rescue adoption and think that breeders and pet shops are the best option.