Hey everyone, I am Franny and I’m from Fort Lauderdale, FL. I am available for adoption through the Cocker Rescue of Florida. I am a 3 year old rat terrier but I heard people calling me a “velcro dog” whatever that means. I need a forever home with people who appreciate my terrier sassy ways!
Franny is absolutely a delight, she is mellow in the house but always super happy to go for a walk, a jog, or a paddle in the kayak.
She is completely housebroken, good in a leash and will learn tricks for food.
Adoptions South Florida only!
Little Franny is a cutey-patootey!!!
I have a Rattie and I can attest to the “velco dog” thing. I guarantee you will find a truly devoted animal companion in a Rattie. You don’t adopt them as much as they adopt you. If you win their affection you have it all.
She will end up being a foster failure…