“Someone abandoned my on the street so my foster mom took me in. Now I spend all day cuddling my puppy brother”
This is Ellie and she was abandoned near an apartment complex in Post Ballantyne, NC. She is a 3 year old chocolate lab and she she is wonderful, no aggression and highly trainable. Her foster mom and dad found her and brought her to a shelter only to find out that she was abandoned, not lost. She also has a sponsor that will pay for her transportation anywhere as long as a loving home is guaranteed. Her foster mom made her a page here. Please please please consider adopting Ellie!
Some people are really sickening.. Poor baby must have gone through so much trauma, being abandoned like that… 🙁
Vanessa A
Sweet girl. She seems like the perfect dog. I wish I could afford one more! I would take her in a heartbeat!
Laura Amend
I’d adopt this sweet pooch in a heartbeat if I could. People who abandon defenseless dogs should be punished! How hard is it to take a dog to a shelter, rather than leave it outside, hungry and traumatized? Grrrr….
Ellie HAS BEEN ADOPTED, guys! Thank you so much for caring about her!
KC Kahn
Best news ever.
That is fabulous!!!!! Yeah Ellie!!
Yayyyyyyyy xx
What a sweet-looking baby. Glad she was adopted!
Sue Andersen
A big thumbs up to the foster parents and the sponsor for giving this sweet girl a chance to be a new family member for some lucky family
Excellent news :)))