My name is Bea. I live in Albuquerque, NM and my Albuquerque Animal Welfare number is A1060750. If you are in Albuquerque, call 311; if you are outside of the city, call (505) 768-1975. I am sweet, full of energy, and I love to run around like a puppy even though I am seven.
I like to sleep in the bed with my people, I love car rides and biscuits> I like other dogs, and some cats. Kids are great but I’m probably not great around babies. I’d love a family with a big yard and lots of love. I am housetrained and I know basic commands.
Kira Delaney
cutest baby!!
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I think Bea is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Best wishes on finding your forever family soon.
J Nielsen
I agree, Bea is beautiful. I hope someone steps up soon!