We may look cute and innocent now, but turn your back and we’ll eat your couches, deour designer shoes, and generally make sure that you can’t have nice things. We ruin EVERYTHING! Love, BoBailey and Roxie
We may look cute and innocent now, but turn your back and we’ll eat your couches, deour designer shoes, and generally make sure that you can’t have nice things. We ruin EVERYTHING! Love, BoBailey and Roxie
Carly Miner
I know the feeling!
Bari R.
Those little faces say, “We’re sorry….nah.” Lol!
Nicole Watson
Two queen size mattresses, a couch, numerous dog beds, and heaven knows how many shoes… I know what you are going through. I also know what loveable, lap dogs they are. Our pittie is a huge hearted people pleasing ball of fur.
The red one looks a ‘little’ sorry and the one on the left looks like s/he knows that in all fairness s/he SHOULD be sorry.
Carmen A.
2 couches, 1 diner style booth, king size bed, phones, remotes, charges…..always LOOKS sorry afterwards 🙂
What pretty puppies though! The grey and white one in particular looks gorgeous.
My pittie used the wall as a teething toy.
Oh, no! You must be mistaken. They’re too cute and innocent!
HAHAHAH! My pittie Petey was the same way! They grow out of it! Petey ate a chair, chewed around the edge of the coffee table, untold amounts of shoes, a piggie bank, make up…one day I came home and found the can opener in the bed w/teeth marks. He even started on my pumice stone. He pulled all the laundry out of the laundry bag. Chewed a hole in the living room rug. Ate holes in the sofa cushions. Chewed up his coat…I could go on and one.
Yours are adorable!