Locations he has done his business include, but are not limited to: The kitchen counter, the center of a 3 wick candle, the cord wrap handle on a vacuum cleaner, a stone wall, the ledge to catch ash and coals on a woodstove, and the 3rd step on the ladder to my loft (which he also climbs nightly to hog my bed). We aren’t sure if it’s talent, or a personal vendetta. Either way he has earned the nickname of the phantom pooper as we never know where a gift may pop up. And, he’s not even a little bit sorry.
Angie Horn
How how HOW did he poop on the kitchen COUNTER?!?! Oh my that’s yucky and hilarious at the same time!!!!!
sounds like there’s never a dull moment!
That gives a whole new meaning to scented candle 😉
Dana S.
My Bella dog looks just like him! Do you know what kind of dog he is?
Same, my rescue Lucy also looks just like this! She is more of a random chewer than a random pooper though thank goodness
patty-anne lea
My gal was paper trained when I got her. She would go outside and pee, then come in the house and pull a piece of paper out of the garbage and poop on it and look as it to say. Aren’t I a good girl.A week of putting her outside with a piece of paper broke the habit.
Michelle Godkin List
Very funny, as long as he is your baby. I would be a nervous wreck, always afraid to put my foot down 😉