Maymo the lemon beagle likes to delicately chew up sheets of toilet paper and keep them for safe storage underneath the spinning wheel in preparation for the apocalypse.
For more skullduggery, check out Maymo’s Facebook page HERE or YouTube page HERE
just creating more spinning fiber for you…
Awwww I want to hug him. 🙂
I love this wacky dog.
Lydia Martin
you would fit in so well at my home! I’m thinking you may need more storage space though
Well, someday when the apocalypse comes, you’ll be thanking him for his forward thinking!!
Why does everything end up on Maymo’s head? And why does he always look so serious about it? What do you do to poor Maymo to make him submit to such shaming?
And have you looked in the couch to see what he’s stashed there? Seems to be a favorite hiding spot in my place!