Our cockapoo, Mike, likes to get up in the middle of the night and steal used tissues from the trash can. He shreds them all over the floor, then hops back into bed. Sometimes, he raids all the trash cans he can reach and speads the pieces all over the house. In the morning, he avoids us and the scene of the crime and is “shameful” when we scold him for it. When you call him, he hangs his head and practically crawls on his belly to the mess Why does he do it? Apparently, he likes the smell (or the taste) of boogers and Kleenex…
I’m told that shredding is part of the dog’s hunting instinct. Mike doesn’t necessarily like boogers, he just needs to shred things that are shreddable.
the fact that you named a cockapoo Mike is the best thing Ive heard all day
Elizabeth Southcombe
My Rosie was also a cockapoo and had the same habit. Except she really had no shame about it, we just could not leave the trash down at all. Side note, she had a son (he is now 16 years old) who looks much like your sweet Mike!
Bless him, that sad little face! He can’t help himself.
is Mike wearing a doggie snuggie?
This is just like my 4 year old lab Sophie. She eats them sometimes too though. My boyfriend wants to put her on here for that 😉