I left my house for a total of 30 minutes. In that 30 minutes, my cat (co-conspirator not pictured) knocked this pizza box off the counter, and Sasha, my 8 year old (and KNOWS BETTER THAN THIS!) pit-bull/mastiff mix helped herself to my would-be dinner. The amount of poop that comes out of a 90 pound dog that has eaten a large pizza is not even right…
It was sweet of him to leave you a piece.
Nicer than my dogs, they would never leave a piece of pizza behind.
Sassy's Mom
Thank you, thank you!! I was reading this and thinking “oh my lord… how terrible” and then I read the last line and burst out laughing. Having owned a 90 lb lab, I totally can relate. Thank you for sharing – sorry for your loss (of dinner). Oh and yes, my cat has been a co-conspirator!
Yeah…yeah…yeah. Everyone blames the cat! Ha! There is a great joy when the conspiratorial chord is struck in a home. It’s all good…they could be hating on one another.
PS: I’m pretty sure he left that one piece for the cat…not for you 😉
^^^mwahahaha! 🙂
LOL I’m SURE the cat had something to do with it. My dogs all work with each other….pull things off the counter (like a crock pot full of pork) and then look at each other like ‘he did it’, or ‘she did it’. They are a team effort! And yes….he was a thoughtful pup to leave you a slice of pizza. I never get ANY leftovers.
You left a cooked ready to eat pizza on the counter and expected it to still be there 30 mins later?
Anita adamson
He ate it out of the box, no teeth marks in the remaining last piece, what a clever dog. Hope no onion in the pizza, as it’s poisonous to dogs
Anita and grumpy your fun people aren’t you. Just enjoy the photo’s. That dog is adorable. Most people know onion is poisonous to dogs but if they dont thankfully you are here to remind them.
my 90 lb golden retriever died from bloat because of this you were lucky
My dog would have ate the box too!
You are a very good nutritionist, dear Sasha.