When I was a 5 months old, I ate several decent sized rocks and a bunch of tiny pebbels. It cost my mom and dad thousands of dollars in vet bills. People were scared of me because mom made me wear a muzzle on walks after that. -Sweet Pea
When I was a 5 months old, I ate several decent sized rocks and a bunch of tiny pebbels. It cost my mom and dad thousands of dollars in vet bills. People were scared of me because mom made me wear a muzzle on walks after that. -Sweet Pea
Lucille kujawa
A real rock star!
Love that doggie smile.
How could anyone be afraid of that cute face? (even with a muzzle!!)
My KC was a rock eater. Luckily she never needed medical attention and she grew out of it! He’s adorable!
Sue Andersen
Best pick ever!! Look at that face!
Great face!
The Daily Mail has a story about a brown lab who beat you, Sweet Pea! He went for a walk on the beach and ate over 100. True story. It’s on the Daily Mail website right now. The xray is incredible!
Our JRT used to like to chase pebbles my husband threw. That came to a screaming halt when he broke a tooth.
My black lab Luna ate a turquoise sock, pooped it out two days later…and…promptly ate it again. got it on the third (turd?) try.