The sign says: “I am NOT allowed to sleep on this couch! Also, I snore”
This is my dog Roope, and this is what he does every time we stay at my parents place. He knows he is not allowed to sleep on the couch, but he sneaks in while all the people are sleeping and does it anyway. This time I got a photo!
I dont think he got that memo, he doesnt look guilty at all, he is sleeping good.
Sneaky dogs are the cutest!
If they don’t want him on it they shouldn’t make it tailor made for him.
<3 <3 <3 !
I love this. He looks so cute & content!! I love the comments above too lol x
It IS the perfect size. And I love his little head on the pillow 😉
My grandparents don’t want our dogs on the couch because of hair, so we bring up blankets to put down. The reason being that our dogs are couch ninjas like this guy xD
He’s just showing you that the couch is THEE PERFECT size for him soooooo you should just let him sleep on it! His snoring is an added effect to make his point, that this couch should be HIS! lol!
My dog does this at my parents’ place too. Haha. Sneaky butt.
Can I ask what kind of dog you have? This looks exactly like a foster dog we have right now and we (and the rescue) are clueless as to what to tell people when they ask what he is. We assume he’s some sort of shepard b/c of the face. Cute picture!
Well everyone knows, forbidden stuff is the best! Sleep on happy puppy!!
What a great looking dog. My mom initially didn’t want our dog on the sofa. And then Fred jumped up and snuggled beside her. She changed her mind.
@Corin, my dog looks identical to this one and she is a german shepherd/boxer mix. She came from Arkansas & is 3 years old. Not that you need that information but it’d be neat if they were related. I’m a dork. =P
awww best place for him he looks really comfy lol
what kind of dog is he? He looks EXACTLY like my rescue.
he looks like a golden retriever/german shepherd mix.
Looks like a Leonberger to me. My Leo, Gidget, did the same thing. She was sneaky too!
its a leonberger me thinks. my leo, cleo, will wait until someone gets up to go to the loo or get a drink then steal their spot. countless amounts of time ive come back to find a giant hairy bear on my sofa 😀