I followed some big dogs into the river and my mom lost her iPhone when she went in to fetch me…now I have to wear a life vest everytime I’m near water…
Editor’s Note: A lot of bully breeds cannot swim (and I can attest that wiener dogs aren’t very strong swimmers either). A life vest is a great way to keep your loved ones (and electronics) safe!
my boxer mix swims better than any lab I’ve ever had. It surprised me because I had always heard that they weren’t strong swimmers. But, he catches fish, too… So he might just be weird.
Yup. I think Frenchie is lucky! Little Millie, my Havanese, loves to jump in after her big Lab buddies, but she only weighs 13 pounds and is not very buoyant. With her floaty vest she can paddle around and have fun and not have to exhaust herself or worry me! 🙂 I’m a fan of the vests.
My doxie isn’t a strong swimmer but has a rockin’ Hawaiian vest. She’s even gone tubing down the Kern River with me, vest and all (shallow water by the way).
No worries here — my Rattie hates water in *all* it’s forms.
Chows hate the water. I never have to worry about them. Frenchie sure is a cutie patootie!
My Doxie swims with the big dogs… Literally! She LOVES the water and can def hold her own
Best part about this vest? The handle on the back
That’s so you can carry the dog like a handbag.
I love the handle!!