Stole a bag of marshmallows. Threw them up, still whole.
Zena can open tupperware! She consumed an entire bag of full sized marshmellows; her gluttony was unmatched, since they didn’t even have chew marks on them when she threw them up!
Stole a bag of marshmallows. Threw them up, still whole.
Zena can open tupperware! She consumed an entire bag of full sized marshmellows; her gluttony was unmatched, since they didn’t even have chew marks on them when she threw them up!
Poor Zena truly looks ashamed. Or maybe that’s just a bit of embarrassment from being sick on marshmallows….
Ahhh, look at that face
I had a puppy do that once. It was a lovely pile to clean up. She was not sorry either!
precious guilty face…
Christine Barry
My dog once threw up a whole, unchewed mouse. On the bed. While I was in it.
Helene Mackey Lincoln
My Scarlett stole a hotdog from my son’s plate & swallowed it without chewing. It reappeared about an hour later, completely intact!
On the site now I’ve seen dogs who can open their crates, dogs who can open ovens and dogs who can open Tupperware….. Anyone else get the feeling that the dogs are just fooling us into a false sense of security before they prove that they don’t really need us and intend to take over and enslave us?….. Oh, wait…. I think several of them have already enslaved us…. never mind.