I left home for 30 minutes. When I came back, what used to be a full loaf of bread in the pantry was lying on the kitchen floor, torn open and half missing. I spent the day finding progressively more creative hiding places where Fennel had stashed his treasure… a week later he still goes nosing around the former stash locations, hoping their contents will have magically reappeared.
1/2 dog 1/2 squirrel
Thats amazing. Very smart dog
That’s the best!
That is hilarious!
It beats dirty socks and leaves from outside. The bread was at least clean.
Laura Staggs Wallace
I kept finding dog kibble in my PURSE and it was embarrassing to pull it out in the store while looking for pens, etc. I couldn’t figure how doggy kibble was getting into my purse until I noticed my dachshund near my purse after a visit to her doggy bowl.
too funny!
Danielle Weber
Love it! Years ago, I had a toy poodle who was able to get onto the kitchen table in spite of the chairs being pushed in, steal a 4″x4″ square of cornbread from the baking pan, carry it to a 2nd floor bedroom and hide it, unbroken, under my father’s pillow.
Cathryn Levvey
My dog used to hide butter under pilows and the sugar bowl, all licked out in the backyard.One day she hid wet dog food under my sister’s pillow.
Our female miniature dachshund used to do this with kitchen towels, then she’d snack on them. Could never figure out how she got them off the kitchen counter.
I used to have a cat who would open the towel drawer in the kitchen in the middle of the night and leave towels all around my bed…that Breeze was a funny girl 🙂
He was clearly preparing for the next winter!! 😀
Debra M. Prisk
That is what I was thinking, he was stashing it for later…. I was going to ask if she left kibble and water out for him during the day, or does she feed like my friend does, 1/2 cup of kibble a day. Guess she doesn’t want fat dogs.
Amy Reineri
Our family dog was a half-AKC-Newfoundland/half enterprising Golden Retriever. She could extract a bread bag from a shopping bag without tipping it over, then devour is through a small hole in the side in a matter of seconds. First sign a loaf of bread was missing? When she would turn down her dinner.
My dogs would NEVER turn down dinner… even after eating a loaf of bread!
He’s a survivalist! Preparing for the zombie apocalypse.
Our cockapoo got into the trash one day and found a chicken carcass. My husband (who had left the door to the trash open, so he deserved it) came home to find every potted plant in our house dug up and chicken bones buried in the pots. Furious, he repotted all the plants and cleaned up the mess. Later that night, the dog jumped up on the bed and started to “dig” between our mattress and headboard. When I looked down there, I found the remaining half of the chicken carcass. My husband says he didn’t notice that half of the chicken carcass was missing.
He sounds like he’s a cute doggy
What a cute rascal
I had a tweeny weenie, and she thought the stinky clothes basket needed some help with the title. Blue cheese from the fridge.