Chester, the I’m old enough to know better, 5 year old Vizsla, had a fun day while mommy was at work. He used his houdini skills to break into the bathroom and steal toilet paper then strewn it all throughout the house. I came home from work to find him passed out and tangled up in toilet paper in my bed!
Lisa Amira
“Not me…I didn’t do it…I have been framed!!!!”
Charlotte moss
Obviously he was apprehended after fighting off the tp bandit! He has been paw cuffed!!
This is precious. I’m glad he had such a fun day, even if it was naughty.
Velvet dog mom
My first red dog could take tp from the upstairs bathroom all the way downstairs to our living room sofa without it breaking. No paper product was safe with him. Love that Chester found his way back to bed under the covers….
Soooo tired he can’t even get up to greet you! he’s sweet
TP Bandit's Mama
Oh yes… he wore himself out! I knew something was up when I was not greeted at the front door like usual!!
What a darling Chester is!