Even though there are multiple dog beds in the house (including one right next to the couch), Riley chooses to force his way onto the couch in the middle of the night – despite attempts to keep him off by putting stools on it.
How can that be comfortable??????
Try plastic carpet runner, the kind with the bumpy cleats on the underside. It comes in rolls. Put a sheet of it bumpy side up on the couch. It did the trick for me!
Totally! $18 at Home Depot. Best money ever spent.
Bebe Porterfield
My black Lab mixes would chew that up in a hurry!
I have never had a dog that was allowed on the couch, and they never got on the couch. But this one does not take no for an answer apparently.
they never got on the couch . . . that you know of
Maybe if you put the dog bed on the couch…he wouldn’t want to sit there any more? He just wants to be near your scent…!
Bev McM
ha ha…so funny. Nothing stops this guy!!! LOL
Rhonda Warren Kimmel
I’ve never had a dog or cat that wasn’t allowed on the furniture. They are my babies and deserve as much comfort as the rest of the family. But that’s me! LOL!
Make a spot for him in your bed. He wants to live like a human.
Maybe he is trying to tell you something?
Solution – just get him his own couch = A Happier Riley 🙂
wow my dog sleeps on the couch and in bed with me, I’ve never seen a dog that wasn’t allowed on the couch.
Stephanie Segel
that is one stubborn dog!
Leeora Patterson
I put a sheet on my couch and my fur baby is really happy
Willow Scott
That is one determined dog. Go, Riley! All our furbabies are allowed on the furniture so I don’t know what can be done to keep them off, but the plastic rug protector sounds like it would work.
Fran W
Aww, let him on the couch. 🙂
Double sided tape.
Stop trying to fight it. You’ll never know what he does when you’re not home anyway. This won’t keep your dog off the couch. Just helps protect the sofa and is washable. Otherwise, I use towels. http://www.qvc.com/Sure-Fit-Deluxe-Comfort-Furniture-FriendLoveseat-Cover-Sable,.product.H194033.html?upsh=1&sc=H194035-CSWB
Dogs are family. Let the poor guy sleep on a comfy couch! I wipe my dogs feet when she comes in, so the furniture stays clean. Don’t get a dog if they aren’t allowed to be a part of the family!
Border Collie Mom
Set 4-5 old-fashioned mouse traps across the sofa, covered with a few sheets of newspaper. Dog jumps up, trap snaps and rattles the paper, startled dog jumps down. Took about a week for our BC puppy to decide stay off the scary furniture.
Willow's mom
That is so funny! I have a BC too (she’s 11 mos old). Scary furniture…too funny, I can just picture it!!
I would give up at that point. The sharp spikey-thing idea sounds mean. Get a darker couch that hides dirt well or throw on a cheap slip-cover or king-sized sheet at night and be done with it.
HAHAHAH! Any discomfort is worth it to sleep on the couch 🙂
my husband fought with one of our dogs for ten years about the couch and finally surrendered, (we have dog beds as well) We left an old quilt on the floor one day and the dog claimed it and no more couch for him…… go figure
why dnt you just buy the dog a couch lol
This just cracked me up…no so much the dog’s actions but all the comments!!! LOL
My fav…just get the dog his own couch! LMAO… I vote for that solution to such a common problem. (We just went with the sheet at night…easy to take on and off in a flash)
sabine kleinschnitger
if i were riley, i would probably think that this is even more comfy with all these stools and cushions around… like a nest for puppies..greetings from freezing germany!
our doggle did the same thing, if he couldn’t get on the couch he sat in the chair instead! Loved loved loved beds too….we gave him his own sleeping bag, but the couch was always the best thing for him!
My two dogs own the couch!
We’re on our third couch and have finally established “The Rule” about furniture (i.e. no dogs on it). We solved part of the problem by making our dogs their own super comfy bed using an Ikea crib mattress, a cheap crib mattress protector (just in case) and covering the whole thing with a durable fabric. I also picked up some small Ikea throw pillows ($1.75 each) and made matching pillow cases. They love their new bed and pillows, but occasionally “forget” and find their way back to the couch (and the bed!). Some of the comments here sound like they come from crazy dog people!
Put aluminum foil on it at night and when you’re gone…I saw this on Animal Planet’s It’s Me or the Dog…
You’ve lost this battle. Let the poor thing be comfy. My parents covered their furniture with sheets for years so the dogs could be on them.
Flip the cushions up! That’s what we do whenever we leave the house so ours can’t get on the couch 🙂
my dogs are not allowed on our new couch because one of them has a skin problems that cause her to lick and leave large wet marks on it.. We were those crazy dog people that decided to not only give our dogs a couch but give them a recliner and the 2nd sitting room with the fire place.. let me tell ya this doesnt work we still have to get them off the new furniture and find wet spots all the time.. grr this is one of those frustrating things that you will fight with until one day the dog gives you that look the ones that says”ohhh im not allowed up there why didnt you tell me… then you will have to just gently remind her/him about once a week.. I do suggest a cover they are cheep and washable.. and will save your couch if he is not a licker.. good luck and remember its just a couch.. dont get too mad at him.. 🙂
We have a dog couch (our old loveseat) and a people couch. All of the dogs know which couch is theirs except my Boxer. I take that back, he knows he’s not supposed to be on it because he gets down if he hears us coming and runs outside and peeks back in through the dog door until he figures out if he’s in trouble or not. He always gets caught because, if he hasn’t left a wet spot, he sheds. Most of the time, he gets up there when we’re gone but he other day was the worst. I got up to go to the restroom and came back a few minutes later and there he was!
Wire coat hangers on the couch might work. I bought a leather couch so both the humans and the dogs could use it. Easy to clean. But that’s me…