I’m Bongo, and I like to steal the napkins off people’s laps and my dads’ dinner parties and eat them. They’re usually paper napkins, but sometimes I get cloth. My dads have to do periodic napkin checks to make sure everyone’s are safe.
I’m Bongo, and I like to steal the napkins off people’s laps and my dads’ dinner parties and eat them. They’re usually paper napkins, but sometimes I get cloth. My dads have to do periodic napkin checks to make sure everyone’s are safe.
aww isnt he beautiful, such a prince
whaddaya gonna do? Corgi’s gonna corg.
Annabelle Essert (@RainbowCatsx8)
It’s important to get enough fiber in one’s diet.
I know we say this a lot around here, but that is a face at which it would be impossible to be mad. Plus it’s impossible to say “Bongo” angrily.
There is not a safe paper towel or napkin safe in our house with my German Shepherd. He even snatches them right out of your hand.
But Bongo really does look sorry!
Bongo is baruuutiful! Does he have a tumblr? I would follow his adventures.