Teddy (right) came down the hallway with a chunk of litter in his mouth AFTER Zoe (left) had been snacking on some crunchy cat litter chunks herself. His smirk shows his blatant disregard for authority.
Teddy (right) came down the hallway with a chunk of litter in his mouth AFTER Zoe (left) had been snacking on some crunchy cat litter chunks herself. His smirk shows his blatant disregard for authority.
Looks like teddy is trying to get some litter from between his teeth.
Altan Tranum
We used to call it kitty roca…..then they want to kiss YOU….blech…..
Teddy’s face is priceless!
Bonnie Jean MacKay
oh come on you guys! that made me spit all over my computer screen trying to laugh with my mouth closed. Now I gotta wash it.
Bobbie Grumbling
Problem solved! We put our litter box into a large (45 qrt or bigger) plastic tub. Even our lab won’t stick her head into it and the cats have no problems using it this way. BONUS: No more litter (splashing) all over the floor since all the pawed litter ends up back in the large tub!
the one on the right lol hes saying “screw you human i did it”, i reckon if he had fingers he’d click em lol
mary hlav
I guess they thought they were Tootsie Rolls.
Kathy Adams Vaughn
My sister calls it “Kitty Roca.” Kinda makes you look differently at Almond Roca though!
We call them kitty crunchies.
AT our house it is “Kitty Kandy”. Been an going problem (may have to try the deep tub). The cat has gotten up set a few times because my lab insisted on getting the Kandy right out of the oven. 🙁
My vet told me that ” Kitty Krunchies” is like Chinese food to dogs… Gross