It was TOTALLY me! | Dog Shaming “I’ve done something you may not like…. Just give it a second, you’ll smell it…” Notorious bulldog gas, so bad even they hide from it!
Irisa January 9th, 2013 So funny! First dog-shaming where the dog actually looks ashamed! Brilliant! Reply
Rachel January 9th, 2013 Lmbo! When my American bulldog hops up & leaves the room you know you’re not going to be happy… Reply
So funny! First dog-shaming where the dog actually looks ashamed! Brilliant!
He is sooooo adorable, what a great look of shame!
Susan Kirby Thomas
Seen the movie Marmaduke? …wait for it…wait for it…
Jackson's girl
He’s such a good dog, but man he knows how to clear a room!
Awwww! My BT knows how to do that too 😀
Lmbo! When my American bulldog hops up & leaves the room you know you’re not going to be happy…