Link escaped and ran across 2 parking lots, around a Dairy Queen drive thru, and finally in and out of a Boston’s restaurant. Barking his fool head off the whole time. I guess he got doggy dared to go streaking!
Link escaped and ran across 2 parking lots, around a Dairy Queen drive thru, and finally in and out of a Boston’s restaurant. Barking his fool head off the whole time. I guess he got doggy dared to go streaking!
That sounds like a Triple-Dog-Dare to me!! Awesome story!
What kind of dog is he?
at least he didnt poop in the restaurant!
Those ears! Bet he can tune in to Korean television with those adorable satellite dishes. What a cutie!
oh my gosh this looks EXACTLY like my dog Harley! but i have no clue what kind of dog Harley is? does anybody know the breed of this dog?? i would love to finally figure out the actual mix of breeds harley is!