Henry lured his family into a false sense of security by leaving all holiday decorations alone last year but this year he destroyed an ornament and started on the stuffed gingerbread people (not harmed cause Dad got up and caught him).
Henry lured his family into a false sense of security by leaving all holiday decorations alone last year but this year he destroyed an ornament and started on the stuffed gingerbread people (not harmed cause Dad got up and caught him).
Hey look, actual dog shaming on Dogshaming!
Get a life Wayne. If you don’t like the pictures or ” shame” post, move on to the next!
Oh I’ll be there when it’s up, don;t you worry.
I think Wayne is having a bad start to his new year! As for the pooch, he looks like a professor! Nice!
I agree, he does look so ashamed! So cute.
Oh dear, he does look sorry though. With a face like that, I would have to forgive him.