I am too hyper to be ashamed right now. While my parents were out for dinner, I helped myself to a bag of artificial sweetener–paper and all! When they got home, I was bouncing off the walls, and I could barely sit still for my Dogshaming photo! <3 Riley
Note from the ASPCA website: “Sweeteners such as sucralose (Splenda), aspartame (NutraSweet) and saccharin (Sweet N’ Low) are not known to cause problems in dogs or other pets, as the sweetener xylitol has been shown to do.” (Source: )
Two dogs of the same family (friends of ours)died after ingesting Splenda. Before they died, they experienced rapid heart beats & convulsions. Very sad…
Pls keep these things OUT of reach, not that hard
Don’t be too hard on the owner. We all have to do our best to keep our animals safe. But sometimes their determination wins out despite our best efforts. My dog has still gotten into things that I thought were completely out of her reach. Still hope the dog is ok, just someone needs to keep an eye on her/him.
I am not a health nut but I can’t see how these things are good for anyone.
Since this was only posted yesterday do we know if the dog is ok? My dog was hospitalized after getting into sugar free gum. This post has me worried! Hope he’s ok!!
Marissa Gloege
Downtown Dogs loves you, Riley!! 🙂 What a sweet face!!
La La
hows this dog doing? has he gotten sick or anything. very concerned also.