The dog pictured, Miss Fire, is NOT a Military Working Dog but the dog of a Military member, SGT Kyle Henry who was injured in Iraq and who died upon his return to the USA in October 2011. Fire went to live with SGT Henry’s best friend in November 2011. The friend can no longer keep her and SGT Henry’s mother lives in a “No Pets” retirement community. Fire’s family is moving in 2 1/2 weeks and lives in the Tampa Bay, FL area. If you can give Fire a home you may not be helping a Hero dog…but you will MOST CERTAINLY be helping the beloved companion of a HERO Warrior who is no longer with us. If interested, please email SGT Henry’s mother at patricia.henry5@gmail.com with your contact information.
lila blau
good luck fire!!
Rich Torquato
God Bless SGT Kyle Henry, and I pray that his grieving pal, Miss Fire, Finds a good home.
Ooohhhh…poor boo! If only you weren’t so far away, Miss Fire!
ev low
There are volunteer transport organizations that I’m sure will help with transport if there was anyone far away that would be willing to open up their home.
What a heart breaking story. Prayers that she winds up in a house filled with love and lots of snuggles
She’s so pretty I wish I could take her.
I sure hope she gets adopted!
If I could I would take her and give her cuddles for ever, she’s gorge!
I put the word out with a couple of organizations that might be able to help. I’d take her myself if I didn’t live in a “no pets allowed” duplex.
Holy cow. Was not prepared for sadness. Good luck to this little one.
Aaaaand I’m weeping. Poor baby.
Lanelle DeCaire
I would take her in as a foster, but I can’t afford to transport her to AZ. Are their services for that?
There are dozens for pet rescue transportation organizations for people who want to adopt this little pumpkin but can’t afford to transport her. Here are just a few: http://www.farec.org/transport.htm.
I rec’d a reply email from Patricia that Fire has been adopted. Hooray!
Just put the word on Facebook. Looks like Stacy says Adopted!!! I hope so!
Did not expect to cry from DogShaming tonight. I’m so glad to read that it looks like Fire was adopted quickly. RIP Sgt Henry. Thank you for your service and ultimate sacrifice.
Hooray for her adoption!
Sarah Stevens
I live NW Ohio and my husband and I have deciced
My husband and I live in NW Ohio and have decided to adopt a dog. We live in the country with plent of room and a pond for swimming. As of now we have two dogs but our Lab is okdr and has health issues.We would love to get a dog that has served his country and ket him or her live a life of leisure,love, and fun!
Lindsay @ Dapp Tales
Is it possible to get this post taken down? I worked with Pinellas County Animal Services last week and we found Fire a home. Thank you for spreading the word though! 🙂
that’s a hero’s dog.
Vickie White
For future references
Fire’s been adopted!!!
“Pinellas County Animal Services The dog has a home so please don’t contact the mom. If something happens with the home we will repost. Thanks!” 🙂
I just shared this on Facebook, but I pulled it down — SO glad to hear that Fire has a home.