Pipe down pups! What’s the excitement? Goodness these young’uns rattle my nerves!
Buddy lives in Cookeville, TN and is being adopted out though A.A.R.F. After 8 years of taking care of my special human in her quiet apartment who would have expected a gentledog such as me to wind up in a foster home with a bunch of young dogs or those infernal cats. When I was young I learned to respect my elders and not be running around jumping on furniture and house guests and all that. I’m not complaining about my hosts, they’re real nice people and talk soft and call me a good boy and all, even have some real tasty vittles and treats. But with all the wrestling and running and toy squeaking from these whippersnappers a fella can’t even get a good nap anymore.
What I’d like most is a nice retirement home with a human or two, a couple of leisurely walks every day, a good brush down to keep my coat looking handsome and a soft bed to sleep on. I wouldn’t mind a bit to spend my twilight years getting petted and watching favorite movies and tv shows. I know how to mind my manners in the house and do my business outdoors where it belongs. It doesn’t bother me to sit in a crate for a spell, but it’s really not necessary. I manage just fine in the house if you need to go to work or run some errands or whatnot. I like car rides every now and then too if you’d like to take me along, but I haven’t met many strangers or other critters, so I tend to be a little shy when they’re around. I don’t bark much, only when I’ve got something important to tell you. I do get real excited when I see you’ve put your shoes on because I’m hoping it means we’ll be going out for a little fresh air.
If you think you could help an ol’ guy out please contact the good folks at All About Rescue and Fixin’ (A.A.R.F.) at and just ask them to tell you all about Buddy, or check out my profile here.
(P.S. Buddy is fostered in Cookeville, TN out-of-state adoptions are possible)
what a sweetheart!
Ace's Mama
Buddy is lucky to have a foster family that could write such a funny and compelling ad! Good luck to you, old man!
Wendy McLane
Love this guy. My house wouldn’t work we have little people and a gaggle of critters… I hope his sweet old butt finds a nice retirement family. ♥
suzie champoux
i am so sad..he looks just like the baby girl..she’s 4 from our animal shelter…we have since figured out she must have been with an elderly lady, just before whatever happened!! she’s so special and has in a year rulz our home…wish i could take him as she loves other dogs..but he shall find a home i’m sure…i call her a troll and not curmudgeon..same same, some family will be blessed!!! i know i am!!
Thanks everyone for your kind wishes toward Buddy! I had the privilege of fostering the little guy! He actually was adopted after I submitted this, but before it posted! He has found a lovely retired couple, and is going to be a snowbird! By this time next week he will be in Florida working on his tan!
Ruth Blankemeyer
Sorry I missed him. I have a houseful of geriatric dogs and cats and was going to offer a loving home.
What kind of dog Is buddy? We fostered a senior Dolly , age 13, but decided to keep her. We call her the troll. We have 3 other adopted seniors. Very curious about her breed. No info as she was dumped at a rural high kill shelter. Anyway, she looks EXACTLY like Buddy.
Aww, I love Buddy! I have a 16 1/2 year old girl Chihuahua who looks exactly like him!
Ruth, that’s very thoughtful of you, it is so hard to find homes for senior dogs, but Buddy was too sweet to last long! He was raised by a woman in her 80’s and couldn’t go with her when she moved into assisted living, so he’s had a very quiet life without a lot of interaction with other animals and people. He’s very timid and has little or no patience for other dogs he’s been around!
Laura Buddy is a pomeranian/schipperke mix.