Our German Shepherd, Shade pins our 4 month old Bengal kitten down and bathes him. Every. Single. Day. URGH!!!!!!! He’s soaked all the way down to his elbows.
We had a shepherd who did that to our long-haired cat. The dog-spit would dry and the cat would have punky-looking spikes on his head. Maybe it’s a German Shepherd thing…
Yummm, Bengal Biscuits…
Sophie Nichol
Kitten soup!
Erin Ashley
He’s just being a good mom. It’s imperative that your kitten understands the importance of daily obsessive grooming.
the kitten needs a raincoat!
Bathed in dog saliva-yuck! But I’m sure the intentions are good.
At least you will have no dander in the house
Michael Mantion
Please don’t make any obscene jokes about licking wet pussy..
this brought a smaile to my face. i wonder why but it sure is cute.
How cute! I had a dog who used to wash “his” cat from head to tail.
We named one of our cats “Chew Toy” because of that 🙂
Miss Ellie
We had a shepherd who did that to our long-haired cat. The dog-spit would dry and the cat would have punky-looking spikes on his head. Maybe it’s a German Shepherd thing…
Philip Edward Alexy
you of course realise the cat is saying to itself, “i want to die, i want to die.”
Ed Marrs
Just wait till Shade starts hacking up hairballs!!!!!