Starbucks Gift Card | Dog Shaming Dropped the gift card as I was bringing in X-mas shopping packages. Went to retrieve the giftcard 30 seconds later….
BonBon December 13th, 2012 Ha ha mommy too slow (30 secs too slow for this pooch) and not thinking about his Poochichino! Reply
Donna L December 20th, 2012 I couldn’t stay mad for very long. My sweet Abby girl. But I was not very happy when it first happened. Reply
Should have brought him a Poochichino !
Ha ha mommy too slow (30 secs too slow for this pooch) and not thinking about his Poochichino!
Poochichino extra whip! What a cutie.
Spider's mum
How could you stay mad at that face?
Donna L
I couldn’t stay mad for very long. My sweet Abby girl. But I was not very happy when it first happened.