“I don’t greet my humans when they come home…I stay on the couch and wait for them to greet me. No shame!!!”
Our dog Tucker has no shame as you can see! This is what he looks like when we come home …he doesn’t even bother getting off the couch!!!
“I don’t greet my humans when they come home…I stay on the couch and wait for them to greet me. No shame!!!”
Our dog Tucker has no shame as you can see! This is what he looks like when we come home …he doesn’t even bother getting off the couch!!!
Wow….that is so interesting….mine go nuts! like I’ve been gone a month….lucky you!
Lisa owen
He sure is a beautiful dog! Maybe he knows it 😉
My Rottie Keira does the same thing!
Linda Faison
Our Jack Russell, Holly goes crazy when she hears my husbands car coming down the street. She knows the sound of his car and knows he’s coming home, and she wants me to get up and run around with her because she is so excited. However, when I come home… I not only make noise by driving down the road, lifting the garage door up, and come into the house… she just sit’s on the couch and looks at me like Oh, it’s only you… I am so jealous! LOL… but, she does come to her mom when she’s not scared or not feeling good…
Well I’m jealous, you can hardly get in the house with my dogs crowding the door.
Amanda Adams (@AmandaGAdams)
Hmmm seems like a classic case of a dog who believes he is a cat . . .
My dogs are the same… only when they really need to go outside do they come up and greet me lol Very handsome lab!
Dogs have owners, cats have servants. Maybe Tucker is getting intouch with his inner cat? What a cute boy tho!!
That’s usually a sign that Tucker is Alpha. Since that seems to be ok w/you, I guess Tucker is right.
That is the best. That look. Maybe if you hide his remote controls he’ll change his tune?
Holly Dain
My three large dogs hardly let me in the door.
That is exactly how my girl acts, except she is joined on the couch by her best friend kitty. Both rescues…neither seems very grateful!
Very handsome boy!
“oh, would you mind being quiet please. Dr Phil is on.”
(I love your sofas too!)
Camille L.
So…he’s really a cat. Gorgeous dog!
Lesley Beals
He’s royalty, can’t you tell? Seriously!!
Anita Pittman
He’s beautiful and he knows it.
I watch a dog who dose the same thing I always call her lazy dog when she refuses to get up off the chair she also has no shame
Zahnim Bjerke
With a face like that, I’m sure you get away with a lot of things!
I had a dog who did the same thing once she got older, like eh’ what evs. good to see you guys.
Katherine Basiliere
Maybe he is part cat?
now that’s gangsta!!! Well I’m sure he doesn’t want anyone stealing his spot on the couch (like Sheldon) 😀
Michelle Godkin List
He looks like a very dignified soul. Capering about like a pup would be beneath him.
Looks so comfy! He’s gorgeous:)