“I will make myself taller so you notice me begging for food” … my dachshund Benny must have taught himself this trick to look cute as he begs for food. It doesn’t work….all the time.
Editor’s note: My dogs absolutely do this. Is this a weenie-specific trait?
I think so..my boyfriend has a weenie chihuahua mix who does it when he feels ignored.
Our miniature dachshund does it too. : )
Missy Pants
My doxie girl does it, but usually it’s a wrestling pose, she does right before she’s about to pounce on her cousin. She’s a mini but he’s a tweenie and he can’t do it. 🙂
No, my Shih Tzu used to do it all the time to beg for food, just silently sitting there looking so irrisistable if you happened to glance his way….worked every time. He’s 18 now, so I think he forgot how
My terrier-mix does this, too, except she dances around while she’s on her hind legs.
My chihuahuas do it. One of them does it outside all the time, I think it’s so he can see farther because he’s so short lol
I have a cavapoo (cavalier/poodle) and she does the exact same thing. Plus she can hold the position forever.
Definently a Dachdhund trait!! It works too!
My Lab/Mastiff mix does that too and he looks like a hilarious little bear cub when he does
Pretty much all doxies do this. I’ve seen other dogs do it too, but not usually with such focus and balance.
I have a westie and a cairn and they both do this!
My mini does that, I trained him to do it on command, just say meerkat and stays like that til he’s released.
My Jack Russell does this pose by sitting in front of the TV. She tries to block my view so she can feel like I’m looking at her when she feels neglected (she’s never neglected tho!) I call it her “prairie dog” look.
People can’t help but notice an upright weenie.
Szalkowski Stephanie
My mini dachshund does it too! So cute for so bad for their backs. 🙁