My 20lb Mini Schnauzer, Samson, decided the top of my BRAND NEW table was a great location to look out the window. Too bad he decided to tap dance while he was up there and leave 6 inch long gouges all over the table.
My 20lb Mini Schnauzer, Samson, decided the top of my BRAND NEW table was a great location to look out the window. Too bad he decided to tap dance while he was up there and leave 6 inch long gouges all over the table.
I have miniature Schnauzer also. They are not sorry! lol But they are so cute, they get away with it. Have them cut the nails shorter next time and know he’ll do it again. ha!
My standard schnauzer wanted to say hey to our housekeeper in her Merceds, and she ruined the car door paint >_<. The guy at the insurance asked me if she has diamond toe nails or if she is a bear…
Michelle Godkin List
Your housekeeper drives a Mercedes? Do you need a parlor maid?
Valerie Moreno
lol This is my dog, and he HATES having his nails trimmed. He has to be muzzled and he releases his anal glands when he gets them trimmed…. so his nails are never THAT short unfortunately.
Keisha Lynn Williams
Lol Awwwww Samson…. just look at that face! He really didn’t mean to… 😉
Vicky Hutchins
Dyanne, I have a log couch and a couple night stands that have similar gouges ! It’s hard to stay mad for very long though !