I pooped in my kennel, stepped in it, then trailed it all over the apartment while my mommy was cleaning my bedding. I am very ashamed. -Gus the Wonder Beagle
P.S. Note the poop trail I made en route to the tub.
Poor baby. I could see if he was pooping in the middle of the living room rug, but he was attempting to go in his kennel. This dog shaming is a crock. I also feel sorry for him.
Deborah J Schmidt
At least he knew where he was headed, for a bath!!!
if you left him alone he was doing his best by going in the kennel 🙁 i feel sorry for him
Kate Kudak
Poor baby. I could see if he was pooping in the middle of the living room rug, but he was attempting to go in his kennel. This dog shaming is a crock. I also feel sorry for him.
Awww! My oldest beagle is named Gus — thankfully he never poo’d in his crate. I probably would have taken a picture like this if he had!! 🙂
pets locked up in a kennel are not pets there slaves.get a doggy door and teach them to out.