I disapprove of mommy’s future profession (she’s in vet school).
This is Kia. Her friend Stella (my friend’s dog, not pictured) had a playdate at my apartment since we had a long day of classes, and when she went to go pick Stella up she found my $114 Littmann veterinary stethoscope in pieces…they both had guilty looks on their faces but based on Kia’s destructive history I’m pretty sure I know who it was…
Oh no, not the Littman!!!! Ack!
Chris Rigling
I guess you are thankful you aren’t perfoming invasive surgery to remove those parts from Kia’s “gullet”…..
jill ince
temp taking time!!! muuuwwwaahhhh hhhaaaa
Why wod anyone leave an expensive piece of equipment where the dog could get it?? Training helps stop destructive behavior.
You obviously do not have a dog!
Dr. Toad
Bet you anything that Mom will never do that again. And she will make a point to learn those training tricks to teach her clients in the future. If our pets don’t teach us, who will??
Mistress D Severe (@SevereSociety)
That looks a lot like my dog Libby. She was the worst chewer ever when she was a puppy. (Is 10 now so has mellowed out, so there’s hope for you too… 😉 )
Zahnim Bjerke
But Kia, it’s good that mommy’s in vet school. You’ll be well taken care of! Naughty, naughty! <3
Aww, poor dog! He looks literally identical to my dog. The only reason I know it’s not him is because there’s no scar above his back leg. What kind of dog is it? Mine’s a rescue and he looks like all sorts of things!