Nana123 December 9th, 2012 He was just saving the hassle of remembering to move the darn thing every night. Good dog! Wish he would come to our house and do us the same favor 🙂 Reply
Poofy December 10th, 2012 Takin the rap for someone else..A black Lab would not do anything like that!!!! Reply
mamaspeak December 10th, 2012 OMG! That made me laugh. My kids would be freaking out, afraid Santa wouldn’t come. Reply
He was just saving the hassle of remembering to move the darn thing every night. Good dog! Wish he would come to our house and do us the same favor 🙂
someone had to
rory's mom
Smart Dog! Elf on the Shelf is Creepy!!!
Lori F
Good dog! No shame there!
Jessica Gauger
He didnt want any news getting back to santa 🙂
Cherri Porter
Thank goodness! That elf was driving me nuts.
That elf was going to kill everyone in their sleep. Good dog.
Bev McM
ha ha…so funny. He actually looks guilty!!! LOL
My thought have all been posted. RIP elf aka Chuckie!
rory's mom
Elf on the Shelf is just another stalker!
Takin the rap for someone else..A black Lab would not do anything like that!!!!
OMG! That made me laugh. My kids would be freaking out, afraid Santa wouldn’t come.