Only Mulligan knows that those midnight howls, growls and yips are for. Momma thinks he’s dreaming about a forever home with a big yard where he can run and play outside all day and a big comfy couch he can curl up in at night!
Mulligan is an amazingly smart young guy. He’s adoptable dog through All About Rescue & Fixin’ (A.A.R.F.) in Cookville, TN. You can learn more about him here.
Amy H
hardly a Dog Shame – all dogs do this. Mine is currently doing it in the corner of the room as I type……
Kelly Nemetz
OMG! He looks just like my dog! Someone adopt him quick! He’ll be adorable forever!
cristina maria ciarrocca
oh, don’t worry babe! My dog always talks in sleep, he talks and runs and he barks and…farts….oh so lovely dog!
He looks like my Little One She is the best dog ever !!!
Anna Warmuth
Mulligan is the first foster I’ve had who talked in his sleep. He’s a very good little boy, and a delight to have around!
Has he been adopted yet?! He is so adorable! I would take him in a heartbeat but I live in Florida
Anna Warmuth
Megan, He is not adopted yet. We can do out-of-state adoptions!
Great! I just put in an application 🙂