I thank my humans for rescuing me by eating screen doors, remotes and shoes. I also poop on the carpet. Repeatedly. I even stepped all over this piece of paper. Don’t let the soulful look fool you; I’m not sorry, and I’ll do it again. Love, Hank.
My foster parents think I am about a year and a half old. I was found by the Riverside County Animal Shelter and live in Fullerton, CA. Adopt me today!
He looks adorable, but I think he may have to work on his sales pitch if he wants to be adopted.
lol I was thinking the same thing. What a cutie, but oh boy pooping in the house.
I wish I could adopt him, his résumé is just like the dogs that rule my house, and we love them unconditionally. honest sign, honest dog, he needs an honest home.
Jeanine Elizalde
I already have one of those. Rescue poodle who ate all my furniture, underwear, shoes and 2 years later still pees and poops on the floor. She’s lucky she’s so sweet.
Michelle Godkin List
My daughter has a rescue that she “cured” of indoor potty issues: She kept his leash attached to her belt or belt loop every day; she took him out to potty on a schedule; she dinged a “potty bell” with his paw and said “go potty” every time they went out the door; she took him to a specific area in the yard; she praised him mightily every time he did his business. If she had to leave the house, he stayed in his kennel, otherwise he was attached to Mom.
It took time, effort, and patience, but he learned.
Sharon Megarit
send him to me in Ashland, OR
sounds like parents need training in potty training. a dog is not a potted plant – it must evacuate somewhere; show him where & make that accessible.