My name is Deuce. I have a bed of my own, but I prefer to sleep in my sisters smaller bed. I’m available through Eleventh Hour Rescue in Randolph, NJ.
Deuce weighs in at a little over 90lbs but does need to lose a few. He loves taking rides in the car and just being with people, his tail never stops wagging.
He probably likes the way it hugs his butt
So cute keeping the bed warm for his sissy
I LOVE this guy! I wish I had a YARD! He’s awesome!
You generally don’t need a yard, even for a big dog. We have a Dane in an apartment in the city, and he loves it. Plenty of parks nearby!
Susan Lambert
that is so sweet, does he need a new home with a bigger bed ,how far is he from Winchester, Va.
J. K.
I love that extra scruff around his neck!