Crosby is a 2.5 year old neutered Golden who was brought to the vet yesterday with an ear infection. Later in the day the vet received a fax saying that the owner had fallen on hard times, was living in his car and was surrendering the dog because he could no longer take proper care of it.
Sherie Tucker
Email sent we’d love to meet him! We live in Prince George’s County VA and as long as he gets along with our pup we’d love to add him to our family!
Fingers crossed that all works out well … I was sad after reading his story, and this was quite a pick-me-up as a first comment. 🙂
Rich Torquato
Oh I hope this works out.
Labs/retrievers are such wonderful dogs. I bet he will get along fine with your dog and family. Just remember to give him an “adjustment period.” Sometimes it takes a few days for dogs to become best buddies. Fingers and paws crossed for y’all!!!
Bless your soul.
Danke. Ich habe es am Samstag abend gelesen (23h in Deutschland) und war am Boden zerstört, weil ich nichts tun konnte. Ich wohne ja in Westdeutschland.
Ich habe oft an ihn gedacht und gebetet, daß ihn jemand nimmt. Das hat er nicht verdient. Danke nochmal.
In english: I read it on saturday evening (New York is 5 hours back) and was nearly destroyed because I wasn’t able to do something. I live in Western Germany.
I thought to him many times and hoped anyone would take care of him. It’s not his guilty that he is in this situation.. Thank you so much.
OMG, I hope it works out for him! What a sweet face – who could ever abandon him?? I hope he gets along with your dog, Sherie! 🙂
God bless you, Sherie Tucker! I hope Crosby fits in with your family!
Shelby Bojdak
I would take him in a heartbeat. My 9 yr old yellow lab would love him! I live in NY though..
I hope and pray that you offered to subsidize or help this person on a payment plan…faxes are free and maybe the person is homeless. Everyone needs their pet and sadly vet costs have gotten beyond ridiculous.
elizabeth tumilty
If it doesn’t work with the Tuckers we would love to give our girl a big bro in Virginia Beach!
Go ahead and send an email to the email listed if you haven’t already! :] I’m sure they’d love to hear from as many potential owners as possible to make sure this sweet baby gets a home!
Please keep us updated Sherie! Hoping for the best!!!
Jeannine Williams-Glikis
God Bless Sherie….I am sure this baby will fit in just fine !!!! <3
Peggy F.
God Bless Sheri!! I truly hope it works out.
I could never abandon my dogs. Hells I would live in my car WITH my dogs.
On the other hand, loving something that much and knowing that you aren’t capable of feeding it or giving it a good, healthy home, might make that difficult. I’d want the best for the dog, and that might mean giving him up. I’m sure this was a really difficult decision for the owner.
I agree with you Aura, I’m sure it was an excruciating decision for Crosby’s human to make. At least he didn’t just dump him on the street somewhere.
This is a yellow Lab, not a Golden Retriever. Labs are some of the best, most loyal dogs, even with small kids.
Don’t judge too harshly. At least the owner loved him enough to bring him in to the vet when he had an ear infection and did not drop him off on the side of the road. I’m sure it must have been hard for him to voluntarily give up his companion and he did it out of love.
Susan Hannon
I agree with you, not everything is so cut and dry…
Leah Scheob
I live in austin tx. How could I get him? You can twitter me
R. S. Marsh
Leah, the comment posted 12/7 (7:21 pm) states “The latest on Crosby is that he has been moved to a Lab Rescue (YAY!), but is still in need of a new happy home!” Contact the email above with his picture and they should assist.
Lets help the owner keep the dog and thy would both be better off. It sounds to me like he took them to the vet to get care and be taken care of.
He’s already been adopted apparently. The lab rescue in NOVA Confirmed it on their facebook page
Whoops… you posted this while I was emailing and composing my post! Good for Crosby!
Yay! Would you post a link to that lab rescue Facebook page?
I would take him ASAP…I’m in NM though 🙁
If the two before us don’t work out, we will be waiting in line. (Winchester, VA) I don’t think Crosby will be homeless for long!
OK, I just sent them an email and I’ll write it here too: I’m willing to foot transport costs for this little guy if a home nearby can’t be found. Don’t want there to be any barrier to him finding a family. Good luck Crosby 🙂
Gerry Earl
I live in Loudoun Co, VA. If he did come up here, HE WOULD BE GOBBLED UP QUICK!!!! My MOM would LOVE HIM!!! There is NO WAY he would be put down just b/c we have a “kill shelter”!!!! 🙂
Hi! The latest on Crosby is that he has been moved to a Lab Rescue (YAY!), but is still in need of a new happy home!
Thank you for the update Lea – this is great news!
You can also look into Pilots for paws or there are Trucker groups that transport. There are a few groups that have people that can transport part of the way.
I hope and pray he gets adopted soon… 🙁
Gina Venturini
If things don’t work out for this sweet boy please email me @gina-kennedy@comcast.net.
Although I am in Massachusetts we could find a way.
What’s the latest? Has he found his forever home? He is so sweet.
Shawna in McLean
I am 20 miles from where he is and asked to take him. Rest assured Crosby will have a home whether it’s me or someone else. Loudoun County is dog heaven…lots and lots and lots of loving dog people 🙂 this posting is the best thing that could have ever happened to Crosby!
Neco Harris
Ay vet that would send a dog or cat to a kill shelter should be ashamed I would never use them!
Hello all. Let’s get him a passport and bring him to London. My husband and I are looking to give someone their forever home.
I sent an email, too! I live in Fairfax County and am just desperate to have an older lab. I’ve been searching for a sweetie like this for a while now!
Hope he can come live at my house!!
Why can’t one of the staff at the clinic foster him until a permanent home is found?
Hi there, just wondering if there is any update? This sad story has really haunted me, and I tweeted the hell out of it, as it is all I can do given that we are in Australia. His sad, confused face reminded me of our darling dog, who is an older rescue dog, when he first came to us. I couldn’t imagine having to surrender him, and bless his owner who loved him enough to give him up, that was a selfless act of great love.
Someone mentioned he was announced as adopted on the lab rescues facebook page. Can anyone link that? I’m really interested in a follow up!
I’m hoping that by the time I post this, he has found his new forever home. An update would be wonderful.
I would really like to know an update on Crosby…
Update, pleeeeeeeeeez!!!! Where is this lovely delight?
Damita sylvest
Need an update!!!!!!
Marsha Steiner Fox
It looks like so many people want to give Crosby a Merry Christmas…yet another reason I love dogshaming. You people (administrators and fans) are just the best. <3
I’m glad the glad the dog was at least left someplace safe before being surrendered. I think that shows great responsibility and courage, to realize that you can no longer take care of what you might love most and to give it the best chance at a good life. Luckily, it’s a lab, which should be snatched up quickly to a good home. 🙂
R. S. Marsh
An update was posted on Dogshaming – here it is:
Update on Crosby
Posted Dec 11 2012
Hi everyone, do you remember Crosby? Just a small update that Crosby is well and alive and will be heading to Lab Rescue on December 19th to assess him for adoption. He will then go to a foster family before they can adopt him out. The outpour of love and concern from all of you has been amazing. I don’t think Crosby knows just how many of you out there love him. So thank you, everyone.
Awesome! I hope it works out, Crosby looks like such a cutie!
Dave Wichman
I can only imagine how hard it was for the owner to give him up. However I am glad he is on his way to new life.
Michelle Godkin List
I wrote this about a dog posted on the “Advocate for Saving Dogs” facebook page, but it applies here as well:
“For those who say “I would take him if he weren’t so far away”, there are dogs (and cats and rabbits, etc.) in need of rescue EVERYWHERE. If you are able to take Tex and capable of caring for and loving him for the rest of his life, go get one of the babies available near you!”
My concern is for the owner, and I wish there was as much outpouring of support for him too! I wish him the best, and I hope that he soon finds a better life too.
As do I!!! I wrote something similar last night, but it wasn’t posted. 🙁 We need concern for people put in this terrible position.
Happy Ending!
Charlotte Ford
God bless the vet, the dog and the former owner. We don’t know the whole story at least this did not end tragically. It took a lot of love to do this…
If I lived in the US he would be mine! What a handsome boy, Labs rule xx Lisa, England xx
Jasleen (@Jasleenks)
He looks like he has been loved. I’m sure it was an excruciating decision for Crosby’s owner to make.
So where is this beauty at now? Has he found a home? An update would be lovely. Sending big love and belly rubs from Brazil.
Pretty sure I read in the above comments that he’s been adopted
Can we get an update? I noticed he wasn’t anywhere on the Lab Rescue website…
Looking at that face into those eyes you can’t help but to fall in love with Crosby. But there is also a sadness in his eyes because he is losing his friend / owner. I’m sure the decision to leave Crosby at the vet where he would have a chance for a better life must have been excruciating for his owner. I hope Crosby gets adopted into a home that can shower him with the love his first owner had for him. And to the first owner I say God Bless (you did the right thing) I hope that your situation has improved and I hope from now on everything goes well for you.
The people on this forum ROCK!!! Thankyou!!!
damita sylvest
Would love to know if that baby got a permanant home!!!!…..lots of belly rubs!!!!!! 😉
Crosby's new family
Crosby Update! This amazing dog found his way into the hearts and home of my family last month. Rest assured, he is being lavished with love and attention and lots of tennis balls and belly rubs! It is obvious that his previous owner took excellent care of him and loved him very much. It must have been very difficult to let him go.
I am so glad to hear that – I can only imagine how confused and scared Crosby was missing his owner 🙁 But I know his owner did the right thing rather than just dumping him like some folks do. Bless you for taking him in and giving him the love of a home!
So glad to hear he found a home. I went to the animal shelter this weekend to socialize some of the dogs and give them loving. I would say that at least half of them in the adoption area were owner surrendered. So sad!
Soooooo happy to hear the news from Crosby’s New family!! I wish there was a way for his previous owner to know that his precious friend is now being lavished with love and attention and we all wish him well. A prayer also goes out to the previous owner for his situation to get better. A prayer to the new family and a prayer to Crosby for lots more years of fun and love.
damita sylvest
Gr8 news , glad to hear he’s doing good!!!!!!
Wow, that must have been the most difficult decision the owner has ever had to make,, but I am thankful he made the right decision for Crosby leaving him with a vet rather than dumped somewhere. I can’t imagine having to give up my babies but my love for them is so strong that I would always want them to be in the best situation possible. Poor Crosby, he must be so scared wondering where his buddy is. Hope he finds a home soon – looks like he may have already found one 🙂
hi there, did crosby find a forever home? I would just love him….thanks!
Jules – Crosby’s new family posted on this thread on 01/21/2013 [above]. He was adopted almost immediately and is happy and loved by his new family. Hoping you find a forever friend with a rescue soon.
I know this is an old thread, but for those of you near DC, please consider adopting from DogsXL. They are a wonderful rescue!