Mr. Pookins stole this skateboard from my niece, as you can see he is very proud of himself!
Like taking candy from a baby

Mr. Pookins stole this skateboard from my niece, as you can see he is very proud of himself!
I may be 10 years old, but I’m still a big baby.
My Mom has to drive around with muddy paw prints on the car all the time. If she washes it, it is only clean for about 15 minutes. I know I’m not supposed to be up there, but I don’t care. I have no shame.
I missed you… I dug you a hole….
Isis, The (Not So White) White Shepherd.
Trooper at a LARGE bag of Skittles and a LARGE bag of Starburst candy, then he threw up a rainbow on Mom’s dining room carpet. He’s too ashamed to even look at the camera.
I chewed up obliterated my brand new bed while my parents left for an hour… AGAIN!! Now I don’t get a bed.
I chew up all notices that get slid under the door before anyone can read them.
It only took two months for me to completely destroy my toy basket. ~Renny
Emma likes to steal wooden spoons out of the sink and drying rack – this is the 5th one she’s gotten. She usually completely shreds them to bits, but apparently this one fell between the couch cushions before she had too much time with it.
My name is Jack Smith and I bark like Dino on the Flintstones.