” Yes, I broke in again to see you”
” Now gimme the good stuffs”
“Owww.. yeeaahh”
This is the second time Lucky broke the fence to my yard. The first time I didn’t have a chance to take photos before my horrified neighbour quickly fixed the fence. But Lucky must have found a weak spot and pushed on. She was waiting for me outside my laundry door with no shame and rolled over for a belly rub as soon as she saw me. Obviously she loved my belly rub the first time she came in to my yard that she broke in again for a second rub. She’s such an adorable happy dog 🙂
Maria Limon
You are a great neighbor!
Aileen Collins
Lucky is lucky to have a sweet neighbor and so are lucky’s parents. 3 cheers for dog friendly neighborhoods!
Looks like Lucky needs a permanent passthrough for both neighbor & doggie to enjoy!
Awww, Lucky is one smart dog! My neighbors two American Bull Dogs break into my yard on a weekly basis, they must be taking hints from Lucky!
Is Lucky Black Lab and Great Pyrenees? (Because she looks just like my dog and his papers said he had a sister.)
Cutest pup ever!!! I’d love to live next to such a snuggly sweetie!!!
(When I was a kid Muffin, the neighbors collie, used to pull a similar stunt!!).
What a lovely neighbour you are! Cute dog too :o)
Wishing all neighbors were as lovely as you!
Now that’s the perfect definition of love thy neighbour!! (and break into their fence 😛 )
Bless your lovely pet loving soul. I think there is a special place in heaven for pet lovers like you!!
OMGOSH! I can’t believe my pic got published! SO excited!
G’day from Lucky and I in Australia. Thank you for all your comments!
Actually when she was a puppy, she wriggled her way in to my yard and that’s why we put some bricks under the fence but she just uses bare strength now. She’s such a friendly dog who just loves to play.
I did hint to her parents that I wouldn’t mind having a puppy door so I could play with her but they must have thought I was just joking. :p
Lucky is lucky to have a neighbour like you!!
Sure, Why not. We will install a doggy door this weekend. Feel free to say hi to lucky….. She don;’t need to break-in anymore!!!