Buddy, our sweet dog, is scared of anything that makes a loud noise or sounds like a rocket, including farts. He jumps in toilets, sinks, trash cans, and typically tries to dig away from the sound. Nothing helps him.
Aww… My Bodhi was scared of flies. He would hide in the shower, no matter if it was already in use. On the flipside, he would follow me around if I was vacuuming, waiting for his turn to be “cleaned.” <3
As far as the thundershirts, I hope they work for farts, in your case 🙂
Maybe a Thundershirt would help? I have heard good things about them but don’t need one for my pooches.
Gwen Tice
one word Thundershirt, my dogs no longer react to scary sounds
Aww… My Bodhi was scared of flies. He would hide in the shower, no matter if it was already in use. On the flipside, he would follow me around if I was vacuuming, waiting for his turn to be “cleaned.” <3
As far as the thundershirts, I hope they work for farts, in your case 🙂
Annabelle Essert (@RainbowCatsx8)
Ya, Thundershirts are the BEST invention since pockets on t-shirts!! Highly recommend for sweet lil’ Buddy. <3
We have a Thundershirt for him, it doesn’t work. We’ve tried it many times. My poor dog.