My mom is Peace Corps Volunteer therefore she doesn’t paid much, but took me off the streets because I’m so cute. This is how I pay her back. Look at me, licking my chops, like wasting money is delicious!
-Risa from Nicaragua
My mom is Peace Corps Volunteer therefore she doesn’t paid much, but took me off the streets because I’m so cute. This is how I pay her back. Look at me, licking my chops, like wasting money is delicious!
-Risa from Nicaragua
Awww. He knows not what he does 🙂
I wonder if their banks will trade new bills for dog-chewed money? I have traded US bills that were about to tear in half for newer ones….he looks so pleased with himself. 🙂
Michelle Meyers
as long as you have more than 50% of a bill the bank will exchange it
Elizabeth Box Overton
As an RPCV, I can relate! But more to the point, I hope that Risa will be able to return to the States with you and assist with the third Peace Corps goal. She is really a cutie!
Bijhan Valibeigi
mmm tastes like cocaine and shame
she knows what money is worth!!! she’s just testing her mum’s love….
@Risa, that picture of the cement floor (and the terror at losing what little cash you get!) brings back some serious Peace Corps memories! Happy Thanksgiving!