At treat time (or anytime anyone even walks NEAR the kitchen) this face comes out. She should get an Oscar for her performance. Sometimes there is even an attempt at woeful singing.
“Hey, Dashi. Sarah MacLachlan just called and asked if you could tone it down a bit. You’ll still get a treat. -Mom”
WOW! That’s odd…because I, too, see this exact face every day at Treat Time.
Wait until she can enter into Hall of Fame status by combining that skill with the ability to suck in her stomach to show her ribs, raises one paw, and starts shaking like she’s freezing. And such a performance is displayed while camping in Joshua Tree, CA at the beginning of summer when it was ONLY 95f degrees. Oh the neglect and starvation!
Charlotte Oshe
The only thing that compares to her melodrama is her sweetness!
Cynde Cooley
Give that girl her treat. Precious baby.